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Bringing Radiology to Everyone.

November 5th, 2022 9 am - 1 pm


Tweet us using #RadExpo2022 or @RadExpo2022

Mitchell Farag, MD

Morris Hospital

Dr. Mitchell Farag is a diagnostic and interventional radiologist with Grundy Radiologists, based at Morris Hospital in Morris, Illinois.  He attended University of llinois College of Medicine.  He then completed Radiology Residency at Loyola University Medical Center, and Interventional Radiology Fellowship at University of Illinois, OSF St. Francis Hospital, in Peoria, Illinois.  He previously traveled to Nairobi through RAD-AID, with the mission of PACS implementation at a small hospital.



Abstract Paint

Radiology is a passion.

Mitchell Farag, MD

Morris Hospital


Global Radiology Opportunities

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