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New name. Same Vision. Site Updates Daily.



Bringing Radiology to Everyone.

March 16th, 2024 9 am - 1 pm

Venue: 3rd fl, Feinberg, NMH, 251E Huron.

Tweet us using #RadExpo2024 or @RadExpo2024

Roocha Patel, MD

South Hub Radiology

I have been working as a radiologist in private practice for a little over 7 years. I am currently at a practice that covers Advocate Christ Medical Center and South Suburban Hospital. My predominant area of practice is neuroradiology.




Abstract Paint

I love radiology because it provides an intellectually challenging job and, in my experience, a very collaborative work environment. I enjoy the problem-solving role of radiology and being a consultant to other physicians.

Roocha Patel, MD

South Hub Radiology


Educational Session - Jeopardy

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