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Bringing Radiology to Everyone.

November 5th, 2022 9 am - 12 pm


Tweet us using #RadExpo2022 or @RadExpo2022

Joseph D. Calandra, MD FACR

Amita Saint Francis Hospital

Most of my carrier, has been in a private practice group that has a free standing radiology residency. This blended practice model has given me the opportunity to experience both practice in a community hospital and academic radiology. I have been a clinical professor at Northwestern, Loyola and the U of Illinois. For 20 yrs, I have been the residency director. This has allowed me to mentor over 100 physicians who are having successful careers in both academic and private practices.


Speed Advisor

Radiology Residency Program Director
Chairman of Radiology
Cilincal Professor of Radiology U. of Illinois
Fellow of the American College of Radiology
Trustee American College of Radiology
Radiation Safety Officer AMSFH
Medical Director of Women's Imaging AMSFH
Director of Quality Midwest Imaging Professionals

Abstract Paint

I enjoy what I do every day. I don't consider what I do a job. It is intellectually challenging and personally rewarding.

Joseph D. Calandra, MD FACR

Amita Saint Francis Hospital

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