Stephen Zivin, MD
Northwest Radiology Associates
Northwest Radiology Associates, Arlington Heights, IL – July 2009 – Present
▪ Chief of Body Imaging.
▪ Director of Lung Cancer Screening Program.
▪ Head of Department Education Committee.
▪ Member of Hospital's Clinical Integration Committee.
Radiology Associates of Middletown, Middletown, CT – July 2007 – June 2009
▪ Started practice’s CT Enterography and Breast MRI services.
▪ Chief of CT.
Imaging4Change, Inc.
▪ Co-Founder and Clinical Director of the Radiology Department at Hospital Bernard Mevs.
▪ Likely the world’s largest provider of pro bono CT interpretations via teleradiology. (>20,000).
▪ Remotely manage the radiology department of Hospital Bernard Mevs in Haiti.
▪ Taught cross sectional imaging interpretation to residents at the University Hospital of Haiti.
▪ Offer free clinical, educational and operational expertise to hospitals and radiology departments
in the developing world.
RSNA International Visiting Professor. – September 2014.
▪ Selected to lecture and teach in Buenos Aires, Argentina on Body MRI topics as a representative
of the RSNA at the Argentinian Radiologic Society annual meeting.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
▪ Gave daily lectures and workstation instruction – March 2011.
▪ Hosted a Cambodian radiologist in Chicago for 2 months of training – Summer 2012.
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Body Imaging Fellow – July 2006 – 2007
▪ Initiated CT Enterography service for the hospital system.
Northwestern University Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL
Diagnostic Radiology Resident – July 2002 to 2006
▪ Chief Resident – 2005/2006.
▪ Nominated by Radiology Chairman for Northwestern Memorial Hospital Susan Perlman Award
for academic excellence, special leadership skills and compassion for patients.
New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY
Doctor of Medicine, 2001
▪ Honors Program Student
▪ Recipient of Herman Goldman Foundation International Health Award
▪ Awarded Weill-Caulier Scholarship for clinic work in The Gambia, West Africa.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Bachelor of Science, 1996
▪ Major in Biology, Minor in Political Science
American Board of Radiology: Board Certified June 2006
Krinsky GA; Zivin SB; Thorner KM; Lee VS; Theise ND; Weinreb JC "Low-grade siderotic dysplastic nodules: determination of premalignant lesions on the basis of vasculature phenotype" Academic Radiology. 2002;9:336
Grant TH; Neuschler E; Gabriel H; Hartz W; Soper N; Zivin S.B. “Ultrasound Diagnosis of Occult Inguinal Hernias in Women” AJR 2006; 186:A49-A52
March 2014 – Grand Rounds Speaker at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.
September 2014 – RSNA International Visiting Professor at Sociedad Argentina de Radiologia.
Mar W; Hyu J; Zivin SB et al. “Abdominal Imaging Manifestations of Rosai Dorfman Disease” SAR 2015
Zivin SB, Parikh A, Joseph, F. “Lithokelyphos – A Case Report” ACR Case in Point March 2016
Zivin SB, Dubois D,. “COVID-19 Pneumonia – A Case Report” ACR Case in Point March 2020
April 2020 – NCH Webinar on COVID-19 Pneumonia.
April 2020 – PAHO Webinar on COVID-19 Pneumonia for Radiologists.
Speed Advisor
Director of Body Imaging - Northwest Community Hospital, Arlington Heights, IL
Director of Radiology - Hospital Bernard Mevs, Port au Prince, Haiti
Radiology is a great gig. You get to make the diagnoses and consult with colleagues. Super work-life balance.
Stephen Zivin, MD
Northwest Radiology Associates